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Poetry around the World

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Poetry around the World

Here is a list of sites that concentrate on the poetry of a particular country, region, etc. These sites are often indices to other internet resources. Other geographically specific sites, such as grant-making or cultural organizations are listed here as well. These sites do not generally present the work of one or a handful of poets, instead, they attempt to represent a cultural milieu.
This is an English-language website based in the United States, so my selections may be skewed . I have concentrated on, but not limited myself to, English-langauge web sites. Necessarily, this format produces a somewhat limited view of World literature. On the other hand, there is a kind of absurdity in having listings for the U.S. and England on this page, as most of the other links on this site are, by tacit assumption, links to American and British websites. For this reason, I have limited the American listings to ones that concentrate on a particular region of the United States; for the listings under England, I have confined myself to sites with a particularly strong sense of their own geography.
Many of these sites are also listed under other categories as appropriate.

U.S. Regions



  • Poetry Menu, a site listing events in Nebraska
  • Chicago Poetry features poems by published Chicago area writers, reviews and criticism, a calendar of events, a Chicago area email phonebook for local poets

North East

  • The Bowery Poetry Club, a liteary performance space on New York City's Lower East Side. Events virutally daily.
  • New York Foundation for the Arts, a large non-profit organization supporting the arts in New York State.
  • New York State Council on the Arts , established in 1960. The Council's mission is "to preserve and expand the rich and diverse cultural resources that are the heritage of the people of the State" through the support of nonprofit arts organizations and artists in the State.
  • The Poetry Project at St. Mark's Church, an epicenter of many literary movements in New York City. Their site has links, information on membership in the Project, and event listings.
  • Spiral Bridge Writers Guild, a group of writers based in New Jersey supporting poetry through readings and communicty outreach.
  • Teachers & Writers Online lists events at its T&W Center for Imaginative Writing and a broadcast schedule of its programs on WNYE 91.5 FM. A must-visit site for poets in the NYC area.
  • Writers and Books has information about the writing scene in and around Rochester, NY.


  • Writer's Way, a non-profit group that hosts workshops including ones aimed at community outreach. Based in Washington, D.C.
  • Lonzie's Fried Chicken, a journal of Southern poetry and fiction.




  • Farrago Poetry promotes poetry and runs workshops and other activities.
  • Lynx: Poetry from Bath, edited by Douglas Clark
  • Martin Blyth posts his poems here and does considerable work to promote British Poetry.
  • Poetry London guide to events in London, UK.
  • The Poetry Society established in 1909 and now one of Britain's most dynamic arts organisations. Features poets and poetry in the news, extensive education resources, current activities by the Poetry Society and Poetry Cafe, excerpts from the latest Poetry Review. Many resources for writers.
  • THE SOUTH is a not-for-profit group that aims to support writers, poets and communities in the south of England
  • The Southend Poetry Group The Home Page of the The Southend Poetry Group, Essex,England. The Southend Poetry Group Activities include joint meetings with other poetry or writers' groups, occasional public readings, and publication of the annual "Southend Poetry" anthologies.
  • Shadowork, a performance and collaboration project with venues in and around London. They also offer workshops.




Australia & New Zealand

  • New Zealand Writers' Website, writers' groups, message board, on-line chat and other services for poets and writers.
  • New Zealand Society of Authors an association of writers working together to improve conditions for New Zealand writers.
  • Poetry New Zealand, an international print journal of poetry and poetics. Their site offers information on submission and subscription, as well as links to writers' resources.
  • Southern Ocean Review New Zealand's first on-line International Literary Magazine.
  • Thylazine, Australian Arts and Literature on Landscape and Animals. Dr. Coral Hull, Executive Editor. Their Australian Poets Directoryis a good starting point for information on contemporary Australian poets.


  • Georges Brassens, the complete poems and songs (in French).
  • Jean-Michel Maulpoix & Co., presents poetry and criticism in French (including his own). The English language section of his site provides an excellent introduction to the state of French poetry. Highly Recommended.

The Netherlands

  • Aanbeelden, a literary magazine.
  • De Brakke Hond, a Belgian literary magazine containing fiction, poetry and essays written in Dutch.
  • Epiberen, Home-isle of the Dutch Poets from Epibreren. Poetry, audio- and video-recordings, reviews, photos and links. Mostly in Dutch, but with English, German and Danish information and translations.
  • ReView_36, a site based in Belgium. Primarily in Flemish.


  • Il Narratore, a site featuring audio recordings of important world literature, and contemporary poetry. The site is in Italian and English. Their links page is a good starting point for Italian literature on the web.


  • Splints & Co. Journal of Scandinavian Poetry on the Web/Tidsskrift med nordisk poesi på Nettet. Mostly in Danish with some English.

Eastern Europe

(includes Russia)
  • Romanian Voice has a section on poetry available in Romanian, German, Swedish, French, and English.
  • The Kids' World, a poetry site by and for children. In English and Serbo-Croatian.
  • Poets' Societ IRIS a site featuring links to Serbian poetry and poets. In English and Serbo-Croatian.
  • South Slavic Litearture Library showcases work from the Balkan states in their original languages, with some English translations available.

Middle-East, North Africa


South Africa


Indian Subcontinent


Pan-National Sites

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